by Derek Kirkham | Sep 19, 2019 | Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Energy, Living Better, Qi
Acupuncture Learning Center Uncovering the 12 Meridians of Acupuncture What They Do and What They Mean for Your Health by Dr. Derek Kirkham Welcome to the superhighway of your Qi. The transport system of your vital energy throughout your body and organs. And the core...
by Derek Kirkham | Mar 26, 2017 | Acupuncture, Anxiety, Digestion, Energy, Living Better, Mental Clarity, Sleep, The Science
Let’s start with this question: “Why would you want to stick needles into your body for your health?” Not everyone believes in the power of acupuncture, or any other type of alternative medicine for that matter. Some people outright attack anything...
by Derek Kirkham | Jan 14, 2016 | Acupuncture, Knee Pain, Pain Relief, Studies
Acupuncture tends to be a last resort for many, yet it should be an integral part of any knee pain treatment. I’m going to show you why. If nothing else, it is shown to reduce knee pain. Yet, a skilled practitioner will also use bodywork therapies and Chinese medicine...
by Derek Kirkham | Jan 7, 2016 | Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Qi
In it’s simplest sense, Qi is life force flowing through your body. I know what you’re thinking… “Is Dr. Derek Kirkham a Jedi?” Not quite, but it’s not a bad metaphor for Qi. While it doesn’t help you levitate droids and X-wing starships, that all too familiar...